Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Grape Growing Experiment

I have decided to grow some grapes, and maybe, in a few years, make some wine?  Who knows.  I ordered a couple plants from, Marquette varietal. This is what they will hopefully look like:

So I bought a couple of Trellis' and planted them today :

This is a long shot of the yard on the side of the house.  Notice the lack of neighbors..  I will probably end up putting a stake in the middle, and stringing some wire in between the two, we'll see. 

Close up of the first plant
Close up of the second plant

I put some compost on top of the soil.  Well, it's almost compost, as you can see it hasn't composted all the way yet, but it's better than nothing.   I'll be updating this with more pics as it grows , probably not till fall or winter.  Wish me luck!