Friday, February 4, 2011

Just a long long post about my new Chrome Laptop

Welcome to my Blog!  I can already tell that this will be the greatest most interesting blog out there... or not.  I doubt anyone will even read this, but i'm gonna keep publishing anyway, maybe i'll actually post something helpful.

Don't be upset with me if i'm not the most grammatically correct blogger out there.  I just type as the words come in my head, and i don't see punctuation in there, so i just type and type.  Sorry. 

So I got a free laptop from Google this week.  I"m supposed to testing out their new OS called Chrome.  It's actually more of a netbook than a laptop.  You can't install programs like on a windows PC.  It doesn't even have a hard drive, it has an ssd drive, which stands for solid state drive, basically a large flash drive.  This one is only 16 gigs.  The bonus of ssd is that it is extremely fast compared to standard drives.  This laptop boots up in seconds compared to my PC upstairs which takes a couple minutes.

I think Google wants people to live on the internet.  Hell, without an internet connection, this laptop i'm using right now wouldn't even work.  It requires you to be connected to use it.  If you can't do it on the internet, then you can't do it on this laptop.  Thankfully, you can do pretty much anything online these days. There's Google Docs, which is basically a web/free version of Microsoft Office.  I have Picnic, which is a photoshop substitute.  I have an app(not a program, google uses apps) called MSpot, which you can upload all your music to, and listen to it anywhere.  There is also Picasa, which is a photo sharing app.

All of this is done via the "Cloud".  Basically you don't store anything on your laptop/pc/whatever except whatever it takes to run it, and the rest is stored on the server of the app you are using.   Google has also introduced Cloud Print, which lets you print anything from anywhere, as long your printer is connected to your main PC, so i can print anything from this laptop to my upstairs printer without needing it to be connected to a router or anything, i just need the printer and pc to be turned on,  I love the cloud life.

I will be posting about cooking...eventually.  Maybe my next one.. we shall see.

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